Many believe that winter is the enemy of beautiful skin. Winter and cold have a drying effect. Also, the constant exchange of hot and cold leads to disruptions in the work of the sebaceous glands. It should also not be forgotten that skin cells fall into a "hibernation" in winter. Accordingly, the skin does not receive the full range of beneficial substances and becomes vulnerable. Your task is to restore the skin's lipid balance, adhering to three basic principles: hydration, nutrition, and protection.

Hydration: inside and out

In winter, the skin begins to lose moisture very quickly. This can be a major cause of itching and peeling. How do you help your skin retain water? If the humidity at work is below 60%, it is imperative to use moisturizers. In winter, night creams that contain substances such as glycerin, ceramides, petroleum jelly, silicone, linoleic acid are especially useful. During work, thermal water also refreshes the skin. Don't forget that you should also limit your alcohol consumption.

Food: winter menu for skin

In the absence of sunlight and vitamins, the skin quickly loses its elasticity. Products that can help the skin at this time are: egg yolk, oatmeal, honey, cheese, olive oil and even sauerkraut. These products make perfect masks for the skin, as they nourish it with numerous vitamins.

The basis of "winter masks" can be vegetable oils - linseed oil, olive oil or pumpkin seed oil. For different skin types, use the following components:

Dry skin: egg yolk, cream, cottage cheese;
Oily skin: yeast, rye bread;
For normal skin: honey, cream, grated potatoes.

If your skin is prone to acne and pimples, be sure to consult a dermatologist before making the hydrating mask.

Don't forget the diet

For beautiful skin in winter, include fresh vegetables and fruits in your menu, as well as foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids such as fish, nuts, and vegetable oils.

On cold days, avoid:
- daily use of skin moisturizers;
- repeated washing of the skin with warm tap water;
- consumption of alcohol.