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Set for "Relief" - for people who suffer from tension, anxiety, stress, fear, severe anxiety and overexcitement.
Set for "Sleep Disorders" - for people who suffer from insomnia and sleep disorders - difficulty falling asleep, broken and restless sleep, nightmares, delirium.
Set "Anti Stress" - for people who experience intense stressful situations and their symptoms. In people suffering from post-traumatic stress.
Set for "Self-confidence and Confidence" - for people who suffer from low self-esteem. They lack confidence in their own strength and abilities.
Set for "Aggression and Anger" - for people who practice verbal or physical aggression, auto-aggression, short temper, conflict, anger, neuroticism.
Set for "Intrusiveness - OCD" - for people who suffer from obsessive, negative thoughts, as well as obsessive rituals.
Set for "Fears and Phobias" - for people who suffer from fear, panic and phobia conditions, as well as fear neurosis.
Set for "Panic Attack" - for people who suffer from panic attacks. Calms the mind, gradually reduces the number and intensity of attacks.
Set for "For the Woman" - for women who suffer from chromonal, enzymatic and endocrine problems and disorders.
Set for "Sexual problems" - for men and women who suffer from sexual dysfunctions - low libido, lack of comfort in sexual life.
Set for "Depression" - for people who suffer from different types of depression, depressive states, moods and symptoms.
Set for "Losing weight" - for people who suffer from excess weight as a result of increased appetite, medications, hormonal disorders, slow metabolism, etc.
Set for "General change" - for people who are under severe, sudden or chronic stress. To those who are facing a general change in their live.
Set for "Menopause" - for women of pre-critical and critical age. It stabilizes the female organism during these periods.
Set for "Hypochondria" - for people with pronounced health anxiety - fear for their own health and suggestion of various diseases, often seeking medical help.
Set for "Addictions" - for people who suffer from various types of addictions - nicotine, alcohol, drug, medication, food, gambling, Internet and others.
Set for "Psychopathic disorders" - for people who suffer from various forms of psychotic disorders - all types of schizophrenia, BAR, affective disorders.
Set for "Energy and Tonus" - for people who suffer from depressive conditions and symptoms, chronic fatigue, exhaustion, exhaustion, tension, stress
Flower elixir according to the method of Dr. Bach. Reduce daily stress, helps better adaptation in periods of increased nervous overexcitement.
This unique spray is formulated according to Bach method. Neutralizes tension, promotes a night's rest and helps with insomnia.
Elixir №20 has a beneficial effect on the female body and supports its optimal functioning. Helps regulate hormonal imbalance.
Elixir №19 helps a woman in menopause, with unpleasant sensations and symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, nervousness and more.
Elixir №14 is suitable for those who want to cleanse their body of accumulated toxins and harmful substances. Beneficial effect and helps detoxify the body.
Elixir №18 has a beneficial effect on increased emotionality, mental instability, mental exhaustion and fatigue. Helps deal with stress and difficult situations.
Elixir №17 has a beneficial effect on hypersensitivity, stress and tension. Helps contacts and personality expression to be easier and hassle-free.
Elixir №16 has a beneficial effect on nervousness, irritation, irritability, hypersensitivity, anger, aggression. Helps stabilize emotions and reactions.
Elixir №15 has a beneficial effect on the process of building confidence and self-confidence. Supports the formation of normal self-esteem.
Elixir №13 is suitable for people who suffer from depressive symptoms, low mood, fatigue, exhaustion, restore the body after prolonged illness.
Bach Drops - Teenager are recommended for adolescents with difficulties in integration, for emotional crises and more.
Elixir №12 revitalizes calmness, serenity and relaxes. Eliminates the negative effects of stress. For a relaxed and well-balanced psyche.
Elixir №11 is for those who find it difficult to lose weight. Accelerates metabolism and controls appetite.
Elixir №10 for those who suffer from fatigue, boredom, overwhelming, lack of desire, or fear of intimate closeness to the opposite sex and sexual problems.
Elixir №9 Helps focus, reduce scatter and improves memory. For better memory and concentration, easier and quicker studying.
Elixir №8 returns calm, balanced thinking, calms and stabilizes mind and psyche. Helps in chaotic, scattered and obsessive thoughts and fears.
Elixir №7 used in various types of addiction - alcohol, drug, narcotic, nicotine, gambling, etc.
Elixir №6 soothes the nervous system and the psyche. It restores equilibrium and tranquility. Eliminates tension, trembling, sweating.
Elixir №5 helps "see the light" in moments of despair and sadness. Eliminates depression, mood swings and lack of mood.
Elixir №4 helps not to be so timid, free from fear, by regaining courage and confidence.
Elixir №3 used for various sleep disorders - superficial sleep, difficulty falling asleep, nightmares, restless sleep.
Elixir №2 helps to restore the balance and comfort quickly, relieves pain, tension, fear and gives strength. With its help we feel stable, secure and calm.
Bach flower elixir №1 eliminate symptoms during a panic attack and leads to a reduction and final cessation of crises. Soothe and stabilize the psyche.
"Communication" Bach flower remedies help you communicate with your emotions and feelings. Facilitates communication both public and private.
"Energy" Bach flower help to regain energy and enthusiasm for those who feel depressed and completely exhausted.
Letting Go Bach Flower Remedies help you break away from your obsessions and fixations, opening your mind. With their help, you will acquire a more flexible behavior.
Elderly Bach Flower Remedies help eliminate unpleasant and painful relationships and situations that interfere with professional or personal life.
Drops of Bach quality sleep are favorable for those who can not sleep or suffer from insomnia. Contributes to the normal sleep and rejuvenating functions.
Bach Flower Remedies - Travels will help you calm your mind and fight the feeling of discomfort during travel.
Drops of Bach dependencies for help to get rid of them and conducive to stimulate desire and motivation. Help to overcome bad habits, stimulates desire and motivation supports.
Drops of Bach for Detox are favorable for those too have reached a certain limit. Relieve and release of toxins.
Drops of Bach concentration are favorable for support and overcome the tension before an exam or important meeting.
Drops of Bach - Fears are beneficial for those who are constantly worried or afraid of certain things. They help to restore courage and confidence,
Drops of Bach depression are favorable for those who feel oppressed, such as collapsed and are too sensitive.
Libido Bach Flower Remedies are beneficial for those who suffer from fatigue, and help with lack of desire or fear of sexuality. Contributes to the return of sexual desire.
Drops of Bach weight loss are beneficial for those who have difficulties to impose a certain pattern and/or to reach the goal that set themselves - to lose weight.
Urgent drops have a beneficial effect on increased anxiety and tension, will help restore inner balance and confidence.
Dr. Bach Pastilles in various flavors contain a unique combination of original, English Dr. Bach essences. Against panic crises, neuroses and intrusive thoughts.