Products of Zdravnitza
Denti-Pop sugar-free lollipop is a...
Mountain tea - aromatic medicinal plant. 100% natural product produced in Bulgaria. Delicious and useful drink for the whole family.
Mountain tea - aromatic medicinal plant. 100% natural product produced in Bulgaria. Delicious and useful drink for the whole family.
Ironwort - vacuum extract helps the natural recovery processes in the body, aActs favorably on the respiratory system.
Mursala tea has a strong antioxidant effect, reduces the risk of high blood pressure, helps with prostate disease, has strong anti-inflammatory action.
Beneficial effect on the respiratory, immune and genitourinary systems. It has a beneficial effect on coughs, bronchitis, kidney and liver diseases.
Mountain tea - aqueous extract successfully fight lung diseases, cough, anemia, liver disease, nervous system disorders and others.