Medicine is often faced with cases of a combination of diseases from which a patient suffers, which requires a special approach, which includes a complex therapy with drugs, a special diet, and intake of vitamins and immunomodulators.

In clinical practice, biologically active nutritional supplements are increasingly used, which contribute to the normalization and/or activation of the various systems in the body.

Deer antler powder is one of these valuable nutritional supplements. Reindeer antlers are a source of impressive amounts of micro and macro elements, vitamins, and amino acids, which are necessary for normalizing the vital functions of the human body.

Deer antler powder contains biologically active substances necessary for the regulation of metabolic processes and the normal functioning of all organs and systems in the human body, which includes: 63 macro- and microelements, 12 vitamins, 20 amino acids, collagen, and non-collagen proteins, as well as others biologically active substances (proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans, derivatives of nucleic acids), which are necessary for the regulation of all metabolic processes in the human body.

Deer antler powder is a natural complex of minerals, amino acids, proteins, and vitamins, which has clinically proven immunomodulatory (manifested in an increase in both non-specific and specific resistance of the body), antioxidant (suppresses the formation of free radicals), as a result of which the content of primary and secondary products of oxygen oxidation) and adaptogenic (related to the activation of metabolic processes in the body) action.

Deer antler powder contains more than 60 micro- and macronutrients, including:

plays an important role in the development of connective and cartilage tissue, and the formation of the bone system, it is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs. An important element for increasing the body's resistance to various adverse effects.

has pronounced antioxidant properties, stimulates the formation of antibodies and thus increases the body's defense against infections and colds. Participates in erythropoiesis.

has an active influence on the absorption of glucose and the level of sugar in the blood.

Iron, copper, nickel and cobalt participate in hematopoietic processes.

Aluminum and fluorine participate in the formation and strengthening of connective tissue.

Thallium, tellurium, gold, and tin are necessary to activate the central nervous system. And other elements necessary for the work of all organs.

20 amino acids that are necessary for the normal functioning of the entire organism and are involved in all vital processes, including the essential amino acids: threonine, valine, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, histidine.

12 vitamins necessary for normal growth and development, increasing mental and physical performance: A, B1, B3, B6, B12, PP, D, B9, H, meso-inosit, which have an antioxidant effect: C, E.

Fatty acids, collagen and non-collagen proteins: many of them are powerful regulators of cellular processes, the violation of which is the basis of the development of osteoporosis, diabetes and tuberculosis.

Health Benefits:

- normalizes the functional indicators of the immune system;
- normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system;
- has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect on the tissue of the prostate gland at various stages of prostatitis;
- improves sexual function in the form of normalization of erection, increases sexual activity, shortens the refractory stage between repeated sexual acts;
- reduces the number of purulent complications;
- reduces the frequency of adverse reactions to anti-tuberculosis drugs;
- stimulates the growth and development of the musculoskeletal system;
- increases hemoglobin concentration; helps increase the number of erythrocytes and platelets.