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Natural oils and cosmetics from Bulgaria and Europe.
Natural oils and cosmetics from Bulgaria and Europe.
Rice bran oil cleanses, softens, moisturizes, soothes, nourishes and smooths the skin, slows down the aging process and brightens the complexion.
Watermelon Seed Oil is a rich source of Beta Carotene - a powerful antioxidant and extremely important element in the fight against skin aging.
Kiwi seed oil is suitable for all skin types, especially recommended for dry and sensitive skin, as well as for skin with enlarged pores and acne problems.
Flax Seed Oil helps to restore and regenerate skin cells, to retain moisture in the skin, to regulate the natural balance of hydration.
Hazelnut Oil has an effective effect on oily skin - it helps tighten the pores and regulate the oily secretion of the skin glands, balance and control excess oiliness.
Fractionated Coconut Oil is easy to digest, absorbs quickly, does not grease and immediately softens the skin.
Wheat germ oil soothes sensitive skin, increases the elasticity, flexibility and freshness of the skin.
Avocado Oil has a dense texture, penetrates deep, nourishes, hydrates and retains moisture in the skin, restores and refreshes the skin tissue.
Almond Oil has lots of benefits - nourishes, smoothes, hydrates in depth and softens, flattens the complexion and restores the shine of the skin.
Jojoba Oil effectively aids skin problems, acne, eczema, psoriasis, acts anti-inflammatory, and antimycotic.
Calendula Oil protects the skin from drying and premature aging, stimulates the reproduction of Collagen and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.
Suitable for all skin types, especially for problematic and sensitive, as well as for those prone to the formation of comedones and acne.