If we look at spring and autumn, when nettle (Urtica dioica) blooms, how close it is to us humans, isn't this a sign that it is our natural helper for health and beauty? Near the road, and also in gardens and yards, the medicinal plant seems to invite to be used.

Both fresh and dried nettle can be used in a variety of variants: for tea, which purifies the kidneys and blood, and strengthens blood vessels, for a decoction that strengthens the hair. It can also be used to make delicious nettle porridge and soup, as well as to be used in various smoothies and even in yoghurt to strengthen chlorophyll in the body. It is no coincidence that both nettle and spinach are the first leafy vegetables that come to strengthen our health with vitamins.

Recall that the medicinal plant is rich in trace elements, folic acid, minerals: calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron.

During the winter months, it is very appropriate to include dried nettle in daily use.

Nettle is called the cheapest folk remedy for beauty.

Many people know the popular recipe for strengthening the hair roots in which a decoction of the herb is rubbed into the scalp, or the hair is rinsed after washing. Often this is not enough, you need a stronger infusion.

It can be prepared as follows:
100 g of nettle is poured with 500 ml of boiling water. Allow to cool and then strain. Add pure apple cider vinegar (1/3 of the amount of infusion). Pour into a suitable container. Before rubbing into the hair roots, it is good to warm 2-3 tablespoons to 38C. Do the procedure for 10 days, you will see the results.

Morning strengthening of the body with tea from nettle leaves and seeds:

If you take an herbal course with nettle tea for 3 weeks, you will not go wrong. Make tea from the leaves, let it soak for 15 minutes, and then strain it. Add 1 teaspoon of nettle seeds to the mixture and drink. This tea will have a truly invigorating effect, as well as a diuretic and hormone-balancing effect. Tea is also recommended for acne.

The following recipe is also recommended for clean and healthy skin:

Make a mixture of equal amounts with dandelion roots, burdock (Arctium) and nettle leaves. Take 3 tbsp. of the mixture and pour 750 ml of cold water. Leave to soak for 8 hours. Then place on the stove until the water boils. Strain and place in a thermos. Drink tea throughout the day in small amounts, preferably in sips. The decoction is recommended for psoriasis, as well as for other chronic skin inflammations.