In Bulgaria, 5 types of currants, also called black currants, are found growing wild: Tsarigrad /German/ currants, black currants, alpine currants, rock currants, and R. multiflorum L. Many cultivated forms and hybrids have been created from them.

As with all fruits, the rule applies to black currants that they must be well ripe because unripe fruits are poorer in vitamins, have a more sour taste, and are more bitter. It is also wrong to think that they will ripen when stored since at this point they do not contain starch that would be converted into useful sugars.

Currant contains pectin, tannin and extractive substances, sugars, mineral salts, and vitamins, which makes it very useful. It is rich in potassium and at the same time poor in sodium, therefore it is very suitable for draining the body and strengthening the capillaries of the cardiovascular system. Red currant varieties also strengthen the bone system.

The fruit also contains many vitamins: mainly C and P. Only 1-2 tablespoons of fruit can satisfy the entire daily intake of these vitamins. Currant acts prophylactically against viral infections, especially in cold conditions.

Do not forget that the fruits can be dried as the most suitable temperature for them is 60-65С. All useful substances remain in them and different teas and infusions with astringent, diuretic, and diaphoretic effects can be made.

Recipe 1

Soak 20 grams of dried fruit in 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 20-30 minutes, and drink 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Do not underestimate the blackcurrant leaves, which hide many useful substances: vitamin C, potassium and calcium salts, flavonoids, and you can prepare many refreshing and healing teas from them. Only fresh leaves are used. Teas against rheumatism, and arthrosis, as a purgative are also prepared from them. You can also use the leaves for marinating.

Recipe 2

Currant decoction: put 100 g of pre-washed berries in 400 ml of boiling water. It stays overnight, strained in the morning and drunk throughout the day.

Make juice from the fruits, which is extremely useful. However, it should be drunk immediately. The juice is a very good refreshing and strengthening drink, especially for colds, for improving appetite and blood purification, as well as for iron-deficiency anemias.

The fruits are very suitable for people who suffer from kidney and heart failure, with increased blood pressure and with conditions that occur in the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, edema, etc.

Natural juices, decoctions, and infusions of blackcurrant /fruits and leaves/ are also recommended for people who engage in strenuous physical work, in case of exhaustion, in case of high temperature. Currant is also an antidiarrheal agent.