It is well known that the sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is native to North America. In addition to being an important component of almost every dish, it is also used in phytotherapy.

The parts of the plant that are used in medicine are the flowers and the oil from its seeds.

The flowers are rich in flavone glucosides, xanthophyll type pigments, choline, sapogenin and solantic acid.

Its seeds contain valuable fatty oil and constituents such as lecithin and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Sunflower oil is used in folk medicine for massaging limbs that hurt or for compresses wounds that are difficult to heal. Other effects that are achieved are the improvement of the blood supply to the skin and the prevention of wounds during long periods of lying down (decubitus). The local use of the plant also includes rinsing the oral cavity.

Sunflower oil for a healthy oral cavity

Take a tablespoon of high-quality cold-pressed sunflower oil, put its contents in your mouth, and gargle for as long as you want. Then you spit it out. This procedure is recommended early in the morning on an empty stomach immediately after waking up. Its benefit is cleansing the oral cavity and the body of any toxins. Also, sunflower oil will support and strengthen your weakened gums and relieve burning on the tongue.

A tincture is prepared from the fresh flowers, which relieves the symptoms of fever, especially in the case of malaria. For the same purpose, tea can be made from dried flowers, but note that the drink prepared in this way has a weaker effect.

Recipe against fever

One tablespoon of dried flowers is poured into a large glass of boiling water, left for 10 minutes, and strained. In case of fever, it is sweetened with honey and 2 to 3 cups are drunk daily.

Sunflower combines well with other medicinal plants, for example with linden.

Recipe to strengthen immunity

In case of fever, mix sunflower flowers and linden flowers in equal parts and prepare a tea. Sunflower relieves the temperature, and linden strengthens the body's defenses. Such tea is especially recommended for flu - sweeten with honey and drink 2 to 3 cups daily.

As for side effects, none are known.