Since bronchitis is caused by colds and flu viruses, it often starts with symptoms like a sore throat and runny nose. Here are some quick recipes from the treasury of Chinese medicine.
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4,14 €
4,14 €
Broncho Pam is the winner of gold medals, special prizes from 3 continents.
It was invented by Prof. Dr. Dimitar Pamukov, Director of the Phytotherapy Science and Practice Base at the Ministry of Public Health in Bulgaria, excellent for his innovative contribution to medicine.
No side effects. 100% natural. No preservatives, flavors, fillers, sweeteners, flavor enhancers, caffeine and colorants.
Broncho Pam is one of the most popular clinically tested preparations for pulmonary diseases - acute, chronic and asthmatic bronchitis, as well as influenza, etc., from the 80's to the present day. 100% natural and without side effects. Suitable for use by adults and children over 3 years of age. Clinically studied for children and adults at the Medical Academy-Sofia, the Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy in St. Petersburg-Russia, the American Botanic Council and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Suitable for influenza, bronchitis, asthma and COPD.
Effective for the prevention of acute viral infections by timely administration at the specified doses. Patients with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic bronchitis, asthma and COPD, adults and children over 3 years of age should use Broncho Pam for a longer time during the winter season and during viral epidemics due to the etiology of the disease.
The antiviral and anti-influenza effect of the formula on endemic strains has been proven, according to research by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Studies have found that the combination inhibits the reproduction of the most common strains of influenza A (H1N1) and A (H3N2) viruses, as well as other RNA viruses.
Broncho Pam is an innovative herbal nutritional supplement that has a beneficial effect on lung structure and the function of the lung and immune system.
The herbal ingredients of this product are grown in cooperation with leading specialists from the "Bulgarian Academy of Sciences".
Prof. Dr. Pamukov, MD - more than 50 years of successful therapies for bronchitis and flu
The product has been formulated by Prof. Dr. Dimiter Pamukoff, MD, a world-renowned medical doctor who gained popularity as one of the founders of the contemporary discipline of Scientific Phytotherapy. It applies the highest professional standards, while examining the active molecules of plants and studying their effect using modern research methods.
He opened the Scientific Phytotherapy Centre at the Ministry of Health of Bulgaria in 1975. It has been among the pioneering and leading instritutions in this field worldwide.
Thyme stalk (Tgymus vulgaris), Echinacea flower (Echinacea purpurea), Sega leaf (Salvia officinalis) Peppermint leaf (Mentha piperita), Liquiruce root (Glycyrrhiza glabra).
Content in a daily dose (2 filter bags):
Thyme - stem (Thymus vilgaris): 700 mg
Echinacea - flower (Echinacea purpurea): 700 mg
Sage - leaf (Slavia officinalis): 600 mg
Mint - leaf (Mentha piperita): 600 mg
Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra): 400 mg
The product recipe is patent protected!
Suggeted Use:
For children from 4 to 7 years: 2 filter bags per day.
For children from 8 to 18 years: 2-3 filter bags per day.
For adults: 4-6 filter bags per day.
Dietarry supplement. Do not use as a substitute for a varied diet. There are no contraindications observed.
Packing: 30 filter bags x 1.5 g
Broncho Pam is one of the most popular clinically tested preparations for pulmonary diseases - acute, chronic and asthmatic bronchitis, as well as influenza, etc.
За чая Бронхи пам
Страхотен ефект от пиенето на този чай.Преди да пия от този чай какви ли не прехвалени сиропи пих -ефект никакъв.С чая Бронхи пан реших здравният ми проблем за 3дни.Бях изгубил глас ,садирах се да кашлям .Сега вече всичко е ОК.Благодаря на професора и екипа му!!!
Този чай е вълшебен. Преди години имах ужасни бронхоспазми, след прекарано вирусно заболяване. Просто не можех да дишам. Слагала ми инжекции в Пулмологията. Започнах да пия бронхопам, доста дълго време - 2 месеца. От тогава са минали 30 години!! Пуша. Забравила съм за проблемите с дишането. За 30 години нито веднъж не се върнаха белодробните ми страдания.
Много полезен чай
Много сме доволни от този чай. Всички в семейството го ползваме при кашлица. Казваме му "Вълшебния чай" :-) Препоръчвам много!
Този чай е наистина уникален! Винаги го имам в аптечката си! При кашлица помага много бързо и съкращава времето на въстановяване значително! Горещо препоръчвам!
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