Tahini is a paste made from ground sesame seeds. Sesame Tahini is universal - can be consumed directly or used in cooking sweet and savory dishes.

There are two basic types of Sesame Tahini - whole grain and so-called "light tahini". The difference between the two species is that in the whole grain tahini the sesame seeds are ground together with the flakes, while the light tahini is made from a hulled sesame.

"Zdravnitza" offers you to take a closer look at the health benefits of the sesame tahini.

Rich in fat and amino acids

Compared to other nuts and seeds, sesame is characterized by its high fat content. Therefore, the sesame tahini has a smoother consistency compared to almond paste or peanut butter. Sesame seeds contain up to 55% butter and 20% protein, so the sesame tahini becomes an excellent source of healthy fats and important amino acids.

Sesame Tahini has a rich and aromatic flavor. Tahini is a high-calorie food and therefore it is not advisable to over-take it.

Sesame Tahini is rich in two important and useful compounds: Sesamine and Sesamoline. These two compounds make the sesame tahini very useful for heart, skin and hormonal health.

Sesame tahini also contains phenolic compounds, linoleic acid, oleic acid, gamma-tocopherol and amino acids such as lysine, triprophate and methionine.

Excellent source of important vitamins and minerals

Sesame Tahini is a great source of B vitamins such as thiamin, minerals - magnesium, copper, phosphorus, manganese, iron and zinc. Adding sesame tahini to your daily menu will help keep your nerves and bones healthy and improve your metabolism.

Another distinctive quality of sesame seed and lignin content. It has been shown that lignans have the ability to improve the functioning of the heart.

Regulate blood pressure and cholesterol

Sesamolin and sessamine contained in sesame seeds have antithrombotic properties, which means they prevent cardiovascular disease.

The sesame tahini is rich in phytosterols. Phytosterols are a type of nutrient that has a beneficial effect on hormone levels, arterial health, and cholesterol levels. Sesame seeds are among the best sources of phytosterols 400 mg phytosterols per 200 g sesame seed. Studies have shown that phytosterols are an important actor in the treatment of arteriosclerosis - a disease characterized by accumulation of fat in the arteries. Also, phytosterols help regulate cholesterol in the body by blocking its absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

Skin health

Sesame seeds are a good source of amino acids, vitamin E, vitamin B, minerals and fatty acids that help rejuvenate skin cells and protect against early signs of aging. Sesame seeds and the oil contained in them are used to treat wounds and burns. Sesame is a natural antibacterial and antifungal agent.

Shortly - why should we take Sesame Tahini?

- Rich in minerals such as phosphorus, lecithin, magnesium, potassium and iron;
- A good source of methionine that helps detoxify the liver;
- One of the best natural sources of calcium;
- High levels of vitamin E and B vitamins - B1, B2, B3, B5 and B15;
- Prevents anemia;
- Helps and maintain healthy skin and muscle tone;
- High content of unsaturated fat (good fats).

How to consume Sesame Tahini?

The sesame tahini can be consumed directly from the jar. Only one tablespoon per day is enough. To improve the taste of sesame tahini add natural and delicious Bulgarian honey. You can smear sesame tahini on a slice of bread.

The Sesame Tahini can be used as a dressing for various salads.

Mix sesame tahini with garlic and chickpeas to make a tasty hummus.

Where to buy a real and delicious Sesame Tahini?

Guaranteed quality products can be found in "Zdravnitza":

"Zdravnitza" Helath store
23 Neofit Rilski str., Sofia, Bulgaria

"Zdravnitza" Logistic center
74 Odrin str., Sofia, Bulgaria

You can also order online - we delivery to Bulgaria and Europe. To do so, visit the Paste and Tahini

Sesame Tahini can also be found in the "Zdravnitza" Partners store network, which includes over 200 stores and pharmacies in Bulgaria. To find the store near you, visit "Zdrvnitza" Partners Store Network