It is accepted to call it vitamin D, but it is not quite so. It is a hormone that is produced in the body because of the functions it performs in the body. Vitamins are produced outside the body unlike vitamin D. It is a compound that is produced in the skin from a type of cholesterol under the influence of ultraviolet rays. This should be known because at the moment it is very fashionable to fight cholesterol. There are several types of vitamin D. What our body produces and what we get with food is vitamin D3. It is of 2 types: inactive, which allows it to accumulate in the body, i.e. to have reserves of it, and a small part of it participates in metabolic processes.

What are the functions of vitamin D?

Why is it so important? It regulates calcium metabolism by working with 2 parathyroid hormones. It also regulates the exchange of phosphorus, which is the basis of cellular energy. It is also involved in the exchange of magnesium as well as citric acid. Some recent research indicates that some immune cells have special receptors for vitamin D. Under certain circumstances, it is this vitamin that prevents the body from developing autoimmune diseases.

Vitamin D directly affects brain functions and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

What does its absence lead to?

Its absence leads to allergies, including to solar energy. Its lack leads to migraines, pain in the joints and the spine. Lack of vitamin D leads to vertigo, incl. and to Ménière's syndrome, as well as spasms, chronic fatigue, inability to concentrate, and also to insufficient sleep, and also to depression.

Lack of vitamin D leads to an increased risk of cancer and diabetes, atherosclerosis and osteoporosis. Cold hands and feet are very often due to its lack. Its absence leads to loss of appetite, brittle nails, and tinnitus.

In practice, it cannot be obtained with food. It is mostly contained in herring. It must be obtained through supplements. However, first, a blood test should be done and its values in the blood should be seen. When absorbing it, the body first replenishes its depots, and therefore care must be taken with its blood levels, which may not rise immediately.

People with darker skin have a harder time absorbing vitamin D.

In the case of burnout, it should also be observed whether it is not also due to the lack of this vitamin.

Sunbathing are recommended to keep you healthy. Don't be afraid of the sun causing melanoma. The sun is the greatest healer. The recipe for health includes clean water, salt intake, not depriving it, as is modern, movement, sun and sound sleep.

When exposed to direct sunlight, care should be taken with the time you stand. The data show that most cases of melanoma are observed in the Scandinavian countries, and the least in Africa, where people spend a lot of time very lightly dressed under the strong sun. Does the Sun cause melanoma or are there other factors that cause it? Some authors claim that melanoma is caused by strong molds that cover rooms in homes, bathrooms, etc. premises.

The relationship between calcium and vitamin D

Calcium is not fully absorbed without the presence of vitamin D, but its sufficient presence is still not a guarantee that calcium will be absorbed. Because of pasteurization, calcium from milk cannot be absorbed, but only from raw milk, which, however, poses other risks. Therefore, sesame seeds are very suitable, as well as broccoli, all leafy greens, pumpkin, soybeans, tofu, sunflower seeds, almonds, chickpeas, and seaweed. Sesame tahini must be raw pressed.

Careful with calcium, which cannot be absorbed, because it makes spikes, sand in the kidneys, sticks to the blood vessels, and hence atherosclerosis appears. Horsetail tea is very good.

When it comes to cholesterol, it is neither good nor bad. It is an anti-inflammatory agent to fight inflammation on the walls of blood vessels.

The article is informative and does not exclude an examination by a specialist.