Diatomaceous earth against parasites in the body
Diatomaceous earth has a favorable effect in infections, constipation, diarrhea, anemia, urticaria, premature aging and more.
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Diatomaceous earth has a favorable effect in infections, constipation, diarrhea, anemia, urticaria, premature aging and more.
The magnesium chloride is effective in involves much ailments, including diseases of the digestive tract, acne, eczema, urticaria, anaphylactic reactions, etc.
Lecithin provides the body natural source of choline, which acts as a building block for acetylcholine, a substance in the brain that plays an important role in boosting memory.
Diatomaceous earth is a valuable tool for maintaining human health. Its use, however, is not limited to this. With diatomaceous earth you can control pests, limiting odors, to support the preservation of food, etc.
Diatomaceous earth has a very high negative charge. It is easy to attach to the harmful substances such as toxins, viruses, heavy metals, bacteria, and even to the radiation in the body.
Diabetes is a metabolic diseases characterized by an abnormally high level of glucose in the blood. The reason for this is that sugar can not penetrate into the cell itself and remains in the blood in the form of a useless load.
If you visit the toilet during different time intervals or every 4-5 days or more, then surely you are constipated. Constipation often damages the kidneys due to retention of toxins and bacteria.
The healing properties of sea buckthorn have been known since antiquity. The unique properties of sea buckthorn are used in folk and traditional medicine for treatment and prevention of many diseases.
Sea buckthorn is very rich in Vitamin A. This vitamin is responsible for the hydration and elasticity of the skin; Vitamin E prolongs youthful skin.
Even Christopher Columbus and his crew during the voyage of discovery of America in 1492 carried barrels of cider vinegar to prevent scurvy.