Ayurveda is the oldest surviving medical system, with a completely holistic approach to life and well-being. It achieves balance by caring for the gut and balancing the three energy forces known as doshas. These doshas are responsible for our unique physical, emotional, and mental characteristics.

Known as oil pulling, the ancient Ayurvedic technique of gandusa is gaining popularity in the West. This health ritual has been practiced in India for over 5,000 years.

As we gargle with the oil, it mixes with saliva and becomes thinner and white in color. This process draws toxins from the oral cavity and blood through enzymatic stimulation and lipophilic action and collects all fat-soluble toxins ready for excretion through the mouth. Gargling should continue until the oil turns white. For this practice, as well as for many other therapies, cold-pressed sesame oil is widely used in Ayurveda, as it has many therapeutic effects on the body. Another good choice is coconut oil.

I first used this technique fifteen years ago at a retreat in France while studying Ayurveda. As my colleagues and I walked barefoot outside early in the morning, gargling some warm sesame oil, I felt something beneficial and purifying happen to me, and since then this practice has been part of my regular morning ritual.

Here are some of the many benefits that this technique brings:

- Improves oral health by preventing gum disease and cavities, strengthens tooth roots, treats bleeding gums, and prevents excessive sensitivity and toothache.
- Keeps breath fresh by removing toxins from the mouth.
- Draws out toxins and removes mucus from the mouth, throat, and head.
- Improves the sense of taste and digestive metabolism.
- Prevents dry mouth and throat.
- Clears the mind and reduces headaches.
- Keeps sinuses clean and healthy.
- Strengthens the jaw, facial muscles, and voice.
- Improves overall immunity.

Try it yourself!
Use this technique in the morning before breakfast and on an empty stomach. After brushing your teeth and using a tongue scraper, take a tablespoon of warm cold-pressed sesame or coconut oil. Hold it in your mouth, gently moving it from one cheek to the other for 5–10 minutes, and then spit it out. Simple, easy, cheap, harmless, and effective.

You should not swallow this oil, as it becomes saturated with toxins during the gargling process. Do not practice this technique if you have a sore throat or a cold.