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Health products

Health benefits of Acerola

The real benefit of acerola comes from the rich nutrient content and vitamin C. Acerolа possesses one of the highest concentrations of vitamin C among the fruits.

How to use flaxseed?

In folk medicine flaxseed is used in coughing as an expectorant and anti-coughing agent. Zdravnitza gathered the most popular recipes from folk medicine with flaxseed.

Elderberry - Bulgarian Ginseng!

Elderberry (Sambucus Nigra) is on of the tree elderberry plants, which grows in Bulgaria. Bulgarian popular healer Petar Dimkov believes that the elderberry is the most powerful Bulgarian herb. 

Health benefits of honey and honey products

Apart from the treatment of certain diseases, the overall strengthening of the body and the increase of its resistance, the bee products and especially the honey are also suitable as a daily healthy diet.