irst of all, stevia is used in diabetes. It also has a beneficial effect on the collapse of the immune system, stress, disorders of the circulatory system, hypertension, gastrointestinal diseases, etc.
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3,02 €
Stevia or honey herb was known to mankind more than 1.5 thousand years ago, but modern mankind discovered it very recently. Stevia Rebaudiana was "discovered" for the modern world by the American researcher Antonio Bertoni in 1905, but then it was "forgotten" again.
Stevia has a beneficial effect on the endocrine and cardiovascular systems. The herb should be included in dietary regimens for nervous and physical exhaustion, stress, and diabetes mellitus.
Contributes to the maintenance of normal blood glucose concentration.
Base (carrier) substances: Purified water (Aqua valde purificata), Organic glycerin.
Active substances: Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana, stem, extract), Chromium (Chrompicolinate).
Content in a daily dose (2 x 1.4 ml):
Stevia: 140 mg
Chromium: 40 µg
Sugested Use:
Take 1.4 ml twice a day (2 times x 35 drops) of water.
The indicated recommended daily dose should not be exceeded. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet. Not recommended for children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women. Keep away from small children. The product is not organically certified according to Regulation (EU) 2018/848.
Number and date of entry of the food additive in the BFSA register: П16202403/22.06.2023
Packing: 50 ml
The dried leaves of Stevia are sweetened with glycosides without any sugars. Suitable for people with low sugar diets.
голяма полза
Oще един човек има голяма полза от продукта- в направление повишаване на имунитета и отслабване над 10 кг!
Невероятно действие
През март 2015 поръчах този продукт заради диабета на съпруга ми! За шест месеца той отслабна 20 кг без да боледува, при по-ниски нива на кръвната захар! Сега трима от семейството ни пият тинктурата по повод засилване на имунитета и наднормено тегло! И ние очакваме тези невероятни резултати!
2,56 €
3,89 €
3,07 €
4,35 €
3,37 €
8,69 €
3,78 €
8,44 €
5,06 €
3,89 €
Чудесен продукт
Помага много на болни с диабет 2! Двама от моето семейство слабеят бавно и сигурно с 2-3-кратен ежедневен прием.Кръвната захар им се нормализира без да спазват стриктна диета!