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European stoneseed
Lithospermum Officinale L.
Other names: Common gromwell
Lithospermum officinale, or common gromwell or European stoneseed, is a plant species of the genus Lithospermum.
All parts of the plant contain a substance that inhibits the secretion of gonadotropic hormone from the pituitary gland. A fatty oil is found in the seeds of the sparrow oil.
Lithospermum Officinale L. - seeds
It can be used in: kidney and bladder stones and sand, at night urination for children.
Method of preparation: drink as many seeds as the age (age) is the consumer. For example, if the user is 8 years old, take 8 seeds.
Packing: 2 g
13,29 €
2,25 €
6,08 €
13,75 €
1,69 €
4,70 €
2,86 €
1,28 €
2,45 €