Preparations from the flowers or fruits of elderberry (Sambucus nigra) have laxative and diuretic properties and are therefore highly recommended in weight loss diets.
No products
• in airway inflammation, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis cough
• in gastrointestinal and liver diseases,
• inflammation of the kidneys and bladder
• rheumatism, gout, etc.
• Folk medicine prescribes elderberry and blood pressure, shortness of breath, difficulty uninirane and kravopikaene.
• as a laxative, obesity, dropsy,
• rheumatism, hemorrhoids, skin diseases
• as enhancer and neuralgia
100% directly squeezed juice from the fruits of elderberry /wild harvest/.
Nutritional values per 100 ml:
Energy: 110 kJ / 26 kcal
Fat: <0.5 g
of which saturated: <0.1 g
carbohydrates: 4.9 g
of which sugars: 4.9 g
Protein: 0.6 g
Salt: <0.01 g
Potassium: 355 mg
For direct consumption.
Once opened, store in the refrigerator and drink within 5 days.
Packaging: 750 ml
Juice is made from black, ripe fruit. Elderberry is a useful immunostimulant during the winter months. Improves the body's protective capabilities.
Cold pressed elderberry juice. Does not contain sugar. Suitable for the whole family. Natural product to strengthen the immune system.
All-natural, filtered, freshly cold-pressed juice from the elderberry fruits. No added sugar or preservatives. Stabilized and preserved only by heating.
От 10 години пия зърна от бъз през лятото направо от храста по 15_20 зърна сутрин и вечер преди храна,засилва имунната система, а за зимата ги изсушавам.
Проверено с личен опит
Фирма Бауер Дубе е един от производителите на био холундер в Германия. Наистина сока е прекрасно въздействащ от опит го знам и не защото работя там !!!!!
7,36 €
0,97 €
2,30 €
1,28 €
9,87 €
4,86 €
6,60 €
2,05 €
Силен имуностимулатор
Пием сока цялото семейство. Ние го разреждаме с вода и добавяме кафява захар и така вкусът ни харесва повече.