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Asparagus officinalis
Perennial herbaceous plant. The rhizome is thick, horizontal, light beige, from which come many cordate roots.
It is found as a wild plant in the wet grassy places of Bulgaria. Cultivated varieties are used as a vegetable.
Asparagus - dried root
Purpose: as an aid in high blood pressure, accelerated heart rhythm, kidney crises, etc.
Method of preparation: Pour 2 teaspoons of the herb with 250 ml of boiling water. Once cooled, strain. Drink three times a day one glass (wine) before eating.
Packing: 20 g
3,94 €
1,07 €
4,29 €
6,60 €
0,97 €
0,97 €
4,14 €
5,11 €
5,62 €