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1,94 €
1,94 €
Valeriana Officinalis
Other names: garden valerian, garden heliotrope, setwall
Valerian is a perennial herb with straight, simple, cylindrical, longitudinally striated stem, high up to 1-1.5 m.
Valerian grows in shady and humid places through forests and bushes all over Bulgaria.
The usable part of the herb is the root.
With long-term use, the preparations of the dandelion cause digestive disturbances!
Do not overdose the herb because poisoning is possible!
Valerian - dried root
Application: as an aid in neurosis, menopausal nervous disorders, hysteria, insomnia, migraine, etc.
Method of preparation: 2 teaspoons of the herb are poured with 250 ml of water and soaked for 24 hours. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
To be taken only with a doctor's prescription and under medical supervision!
Packing: 40 g
2,56 €
4,50 €
5,88 €
2,30 €
8,54 €
4,19 €
1,84 €
2,05 €
3,83 €
2,56 €