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Herbal mixture №20, for ovarian cyst, Zdravnitza, 140 g
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Herbal Blend 20, for ovarian cyst, Zdravnitza, 140 g

8,13 €

Herbal Blend 20 of "Zdravnitza" is an all-natural product based on an original recipe, composed of 11 types of herbs. It can be used for ovarian cysts.

More details

Product code: 75258096
EAN Code: 3800232543194
Package Quantity: 140 g
Origin: Bulgaria
Ingredients: view description
Shipping Weight: 0.160 kg
Suitable for: Adults, Vegetarians, Vegans

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Product information

- 100% natural product
- Produced in Bulgaria
- According to the author's recipe from 11 Bulgarian herbs

Herbal Blend 20 of "Zdravnitza" is produced according to an author's recipe and contains 11 Bulgarian herbs that have a beneficial effect on ovarian cysts.

Herbal Blend 20 of "Zdravnitza" does not contain poisonous and health-hazardous plants and meets the requirements of the Bulgarian Standards and the Ministry of Health.

Health Benfits:

Bulgarian folk medicine recommends bardberry for uterine diseases, inflammation and stones in the kidneys and bladder, liver and bile diseases, pus in the urine, loss of appetite.

Lady's mantle
The herb has a hemostatic, antidiarrheal, anti-inflammatory effect. Lady's mantle applies heavy menstruation, white discharge, pain in the pelvic organs, impaired ovarian function.

Bulgarian folk medicine uses Tagetes for bleeding, uterine fibroids, uterine inflammation, mastopathy, cysts. The herb has a hemostatic, antiseptic, tonic, stimulates menstruation.

The herb has a beneficial effect on uterine fibroids, tumors, hemorrhoids, inflammation of the stomach and intestines, diarrhea, liver disease, eye inflammation.

The plant is traditionally used to relieve pain during uterine contractions during menstruation and childbirth. Taken regularly in small doses, it can regulate the menstrual cycle, especially in cases of scanty or irregular menstruation.

Shepherd's purse
The herb has a hemostatic effect, lowers blood pressure, enhances uterine contractions. Bulgarian folk medicine uses the Shepherd's purse for uterine bleeding at any time except during pregnancy and before birth.

The herb is used as a painkiller and antispasmodic, eliminates spasms.

Wild liquorice
In Bulgarian folk medicine, the herb is used in uterine diseases, white flow, to accelerate labor and for the separation of the placenta, as well as as a lactogenic agent.

The herb supports the healing processes of connective tissue, epidermis and mucous membranes, strengthens the body's defenses. Horsetail has a beneficial effect on diseases of the genitourinary system.

Calendula (Marigold)
Marigold has a positive effect on the condition and functions of the gastrointestinal mucosa, skin and central nervous system. Calendula has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system.

Stimulates cell growth, accelerates healing processes in tissues, has anti-inflammatory effects, has hypotensive activity. The herb has a beneficial effect on gastric and duodenal ulcers, menstrual disorders, bleeding and more.


Herbal Blend 20 contains 140 g of dried herbs in the ratio:
- Barberry (Berberis vulgaris): 15%
- Lady's mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris): 15%
- Tagetes (Tagetes erecta): 19%
- Cinquefoil (Potentilla reptans): 10%
- Yarrow (Achillea millefolium): 10%
- Shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris): 10%
- Fumitory (Fumariae officinalis): 10% 10%
- Wild liquorice (Astragalus glycyphyllos): 5%
- Horsetail (Equisetum arvense): 5%
- Margold (Calendula officinalis): 5%
- Comfrey (Symphytum officinale): 5%

Method of preparation:

Add 2 tablespoons of the herbal mixture in 500 g of hot water and soak for 10 minutes. Strain and drink 150 ml 3 times a day before meals.

1 tablespoon of the herbal blend ≈ 5 g

Store in a dry, ventilated, protected from direct sunlight.

The herbal blend is packaged in fully recyclable packaging.

Packing: 140 g


Zlatina Jeliazkov 03/01/2025

Chai za kista

Otkriha mi kista na leviq qichnik pres mai 2024. Kistata beshe okolo 2cm. Sluchaino popadnoh na tozi website I prochetoh za tozi chai. Poruchah si chaq I zapochnah da go piq ot Dekemvri 2024. Bqh na kontrolen pregled skoro I mi kazaha che kistata veche q nqma. Chaq e unikalen I ima efekt. Hilqdi blagodarnosti na ekipa. Blagodarq ot surce!!

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
Ани 12/01/2024


При преглед при гинеколог ми беше открита киста на левия яйчник, докторката предложи да приемам лекарства, но аз отказах и реших да поръчам от чая. След месец и половина прием всеки ден както е описано за прием - нямаше и следа от кистата. Просто е наистина уникален !!!

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.
Теодора Стоянова 06/22/2024

Наистина има ефект

На рутинен преглед при гинеколога ми откри киста на левия яйчник в менопауза съм да уточня . След 20 дни прием на чая ми дойде цикъла който не ми е редовен и след цикъла отидох на преглед кистата беше изчезнала.

  • 3 out of 3 people found this review useful.
Симона 05/04/2024

Наистина помага

Януари при рутинен преглед при АГ ми намериха киста. Четох за тези билки в сайта на Dr. Jill Blakeway - известна в САЩ лекарка, учила традиционна западна и китайска медицина, автор на няколко книги за енергийно лечение. Купих си тогава тогава тази смес и я пих през ден (когато се сетя), заедно с див ямс. Февруари месец кистата вече я нямаше, а беше 4-5 см.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.
Ели 08/11/2023


Не знам дали е от чая, но за 15 дена прием на чая киста 4 см се стопи.

  • 5 out of 5 people found this review useful.
Ива 11/17/2022

Наистина има ефект

За 15 дни прием стопи яйчникова киста 6 на 5 см, която иначе трябваше да оперирам. Наистина има ефект. Благодаря!

  • 4 out of 4 people found this review useful.
Даниела Иванова 06/01/2021


Много съм доволна!

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.
Ина И 01/04/2021


Благодарение на този чай спрях всички видове хапчета. Силно препоръчвам на жени със СПКЯ!

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.
Марияна Т 10/03/2019

Наистина помага!

Успява да забави развитието на голям поли-кистозен тумор, заел мястото на матката. Предотвратява и бързото спадане на хемоглобина, предизвикано от тумора.

  • 3 out of 3 people found this review useful.

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Herbal Blend 20, for ovarian cyst, Zdravnitza, 140 g

Herbal Blend 20, for ovarian cyst, Zdravnitza, 140 g

Herbal Blend 20 of "Zdravnitza" is an all-natural product based on an original recipe, composed of 11 types of herbs. It can be used for ovarian cysts.

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