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Herbalkan is a Bulgarian company that produces herbal tinctures and other herbal products.
Herbalkan is a Bulgarian company that produces herbal tinctures and other herbal products.
Tincture of fresh flowers and leaves of Nasturtium. It has a beneficial effect on the organs of the excretory system. It has a laxative effect.
Wild garlic awakens energy in the body by purifying the blood, has a beneficial effect on the immune system, helps with stomach ailments, etc.
Cardiorelax is an all-natural, herbal formula that normalizes blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
The roots of Siberian ginseng have high biological activity, have a pronounced stimulating and adaptogenic effect.
Parabalance was created without the presence of alcohol, supporting the detoxification of the body - digestive system, liver, bile. It has an antiparasitic effect.
Parabalance for children are alcohol-free herbal drops that support the body's defenses against harmful bacteria and parasites.
Contributes to the normal functioning of the lungs. It supports the normal functioning of the kidneys, urinary tract and detoxification of the body.
Wild teasel - root tincture has a beneficial effect on the blood. It supports the body's resistance against harmful bacteria and parasites.
"Pаrodontherb" is intended for irritated, bleeding and painful gums. It has an astringent effect on the gums. Beneficial effect on canker sore throat.
The herbal tincture of Burdock roots has a beneficial effect on the liver and kidneys. Supports the overall metabolism.
Herbal tincture of Maca roots has a beneficial effect in stressful situations and increased physical and emotional stress.
Ashwagandha is a natural adaptogen, maintains a strong immune system, has a beneficial effect on the proper functioning of the nervous system.
Herbal tincture has a beneficial effect on the kidneys and urinary tract. It has diuretic and anti-inflammatory action. General strengthening action.
The herbal tincture of Rock rose (Cistus Incanus) supports the immune system and the gastrointestinal tract. Antioxidant.
The herbal tincture of Cordyceps has a beneficial effect on the lungs. Supports the body's resistance. It has adaptogenic properties.
Usnea Immuno - herbal tincture works favorably to the functions of the immune system, the normal functioning of the respiratory system and the urinary tract.
Favors the activity of the immune system, the liver and the kidneys. Supports the structures of the cardiovascular system.
Suitable for physical endurance and recovery programs. It promotes the building of muscle mass in bodybuilding.
Prostaono - herbal tincture works favorably with problems with the prostate gland and the bladder.
Nettle - tincture promotes metabolism. Beneficial for the bone system, skin and hair.
Lady's mantle - tincture helps hormonal balance. Favorable on the functions of the endocrine and sexual system.
Holly Basil - tincture has a beneficial effect on the body under stress and tension, an adaptogen. Beneficial for the immune and respiratory system.
Maidenhair spleenwort - tincture helps the normal functioning of the nervous system. A beneficial effect on stress and mental stress.
Favorable action on the digestive tract, the immune system and detoxification of the body. It has anti-parasitic action.
Helps detoxify the body, digestive system, liver, bile. Strengthens the body's resistance to harmful micro-organisms and parasites.
Herbiotic is a herbal tincture that has a beneficial effect on the functions of the immune system. Helps the body in maintaining a balanced microflora.
Candiherb is a herbal tincture that has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Helps the body in maintaining a balanced microflora.
Paralbalans is a herbal tincture that helps detoxify the body - digestive system, liver, bile. It has anti-parasitic action.
Venoherb is a herbal tincture that has a beneficial effect on the functions of the venous system, supporting the blood vessel tone.
Adrenal Balance is a herbal formula with adaptagens that increases body resistance under stressful situations.
White bedstraw favors liver and kidney activity. Supports the structures and functions of the gastrointestinal tract.
Guggul - tincture favorable in metabolism. Helps maintain normal blood cholesterol levels.
Women's health - herbal tincture. Complex of herbal extracts that support the female sexual and endocrine system, hormonal balance.
Tribulus Terrestris - tincture act favorable on metabolism. Maintain a normal libido. Helps maintain normal levels of blood cholesterol.
Herbal extract (spray). For problems with throat and upper airways. Herbal combination has anti-inflammatory and expectorant action.
Yarrow tincture has a beneficial effect on problems with the female reproductive system. It contains alcohol-water extract of fresh yarrow.
Herbal tincture made from fresh deciduous plantain (Plantago Major L.). Conducive to the normal functioning of the intestinal flora, bile secretion and digestion.
Wild basil - herbal tincture has favorable effect on prostate problems, gynecological and skin problems. Supports recovery processes.
The combination of three types of echinacea supports the immune system and general strengthening work for colds, flu and viral conditions.
The combination of three types of echinacea and sambucus supports the immune system and general strengthening work for colds, flu and viral conditions.
Gastroherb - herbal tincture for indigestion and flatulence. Contains chammomile, whip and mint.
Glucoherb - herbal tincture to regulate blood sugar levels. Contains nettle, dandelion and blueberry.
Detoxon - herbal tincture to purify the liver. Contains milk thistle, dandelion, peppermint, St. John's wort and wild apple.
"Three M" herbal tincture Helps the body in nerve exhausted and tense conditions. Contains mint, мелисса and thyme.
Cystiton - herbal tincture for urinary tract infections. Contains extracts of cranberry, nasturtium and nettles.