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100% natural product! GMO FREE!
Oats since ancient times was known as a healing plant-hand in the treatment of different diseases and for the prevention of many of them. It contains valuable tool antioxidant that protects from heart nadostatachnost. It improves the immune system and protects it from infection and stabilize blood sugar, reduces the risk of diabetes type II.
100% Oats - husked and chopped beans.
The product contains gluten!
Energy - 356 kcal;
Protein - 10 g;
Carbohydrates - 63 g;
from which sugars - 1.2 g;
Fat - 5.5 g;
from which saturated - 1.3g;
Fiber - 7.3 g;
Salt - 0.01 g.
Boil 0.5 liters of water or milk. Pour 1 cup oat beans. Simmer 10-15 minutes.
Packaging: 500 g
0,97 €
1,69 €
4,55 €
3,32 €
3,83 €
3,12 €
1,69 €
5,06 €
3,17 €
7,92 €