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- 100% natural product, produced in Bulgaria
- Black hawthorn - fruit with leaves
- Delicious and healthy drink
Black hawthorn (Crataegus melanocarpa M. B) is a shrub or branched tree. It belongs to the Rosaceae family.
The flowers, leaves, roots and fruits of the hawthorn are used. In early winter, even with the first snowfalls, hawthorn bushes with fruit can still be found.
Black hawthorn normalizes heart rhythm, lowers blood pressure and improves the general condition of people suffering from heart disease.
The fruits and leaves of black hawthorn enhance the contractions of the heart muscle and reduce its excitability, improve blood circulation in blood vessels.
Black hawthorn has a beneficial effect on the initial form of hypertension, heart failure, palpitations and functional disorders of the heart.
The herb is also used for increased thyroid function, insomnia, high cholesterol and atherosclerosis.
100% Black hawthorn - fruit with leaves (Crataegus melanocarpa M. B).
Method of preparation:
Put 2 tablespoons of the herb in 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Strain and drink in 4 equal portions the day before meals.
Packing: 100 g
22,96 €
3,43 €
1,28 €
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7,16 €
0,97 €