Smoketree has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and hemostatic effect, which is due to the tannins and essential oil. It acts favorably on wounds, rashes, bleeding gums, etc.
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Other names: Smoke bush, Sumach, Sumac
Bush up to 2 m high, or a little tree up to 4 m. The leaves are consecutive, 3-8 cm long, ovate with long handles. The flowers are greenish, gathered in inflorescence broom. The fruit is dry, single-seeded. Blooms May-June.
The herb grows in bushes and oak forests, on dry and stony places almost all over the country up to 800 m above sea level.
The leaves are used.
Smoketree - dried leaves
Application: hemorrhoids, difficult healing wounds, inflamed gums, purulent skin rashes, boils, stomatitis, aphthy, swelling of the joints, sweating of the legs, stinging, frosting.
Method of preparation: Recommended only for external use, in the form of baths, washes, compresses, etc.
For baths and compresses: 50 g of sumac is added to 1 liter of boiling water. Stir for 20 min. Leave for one hour at room temperature. Gently strain through the gauze. It is recommended that the compresses are made twice a day.
For vaginal rinses and mouthwash: 2 tablespoons of sumac are added in 500 ml. boiling water. Stir for 5-8 minutes. Season the cooler at room temperature for 30 minutes, then gently squeeze through the gauze.
Packing: 50 g
2,25 €
1,99 €
3,58 €
1,94 €
5,11 €
1,69 €
7,87 €
2,51 €