Inflammation is a signal that you are a victim of an infection - viral or bacterial, especially during the flu, that you have irritated the sensitive mucous membrane of the mouth with something, etc.
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Propolis has a complex chemical composition defining antibacterial, antimycotic, antiviral, radiation, anticancer and antitumor action.
Propolis contains nineteen compounds of different chemical structure. These compounds include a number of substances belonging to the flavonoid family. According to medical researchers, the propolis is rich in: Vitamin A (carotene), Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Biotin, Bioflavonoids, Albumin, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, cobalt.
Propolis contains 500 times more bioflavonoids (vitamin P) than in oranges. With the exception of vitamin K, bee has all known vitamins.
Useful Properties of Propolis Tincture:
- It has a pronounced bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect on many pathogenic bacteria;
- The antifungal (antimycotic) action of propolis is strongly expressed against many of the causes of a number of diseases of the skin and hairy parts of the human body;
- Antiviral effect of propolis is proven for influenza and herpes viruses;
- Painful action. The effect occurs 5-10 minutes after the intake and lasts for about 1 hour;
- Increases appetite;
- Anti-skeletal action;
- Immunostimulatory action;
30% propolis, 70% ethanol
15-20 drops in a glass of lukewarm water in the morning before a meal taken prophylactically.
Influenza, cough, angina and inflammation Linfen - recommended 3 times daily 20 drops 20-30 minutes before eating.
In fever 5-10 drops in 10 ml of water were used as nasal drops. Several times a day 3- 4 drops in each nostril.
propolis tincture shows exceptional effects in diseases of the oral cavity - cold sores, ulcers, gingivitis, periodontal disease, glossitis, stomatitis and diseases of the skin - superficial injuries, acne, pustules, cracks, herpes.
Skin diseases, as well as those in the oral cavity can be processed by pad soaked in tincture.
Diseases in the oral cavity are recommended gargles with propolis tincture in water (ratio 1: 14 - 1 ml. Tincture in 14 ml. of water).
Packing: 30 ml
Propolis tincture is very effective flu, coughs, colds, tonsillitis, cold sores, wounds, etc.
Aqueous propolis extract of "Zdravnitza" is an innovative formula without alcohol. Does not contain preservatives and enhancers. Suitable for adults and children.
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