It is widely believed that salt is harmful and burdens the heart and kidneys. But then why did the ancient Greeks suck small pieces of sea salt after eating?
No products
- Alternate table salt substitute
- Source of Potassium
- Suitable for people suffering from high blood pressure
- Suitable for diabetics
Potassium Salt "Zdravnitza" is a formula with a high content of potassium chloride and reduced sodium chloride content.
Replacing table salt with potassium salt has many health benefits.
Consumption of potassium salt maintains blood pressure, promotes heart health, increases bone and muscle strength.
Potassium deficiency leads to fatigue, weakness and constipation. Expressed potassium deficiency can even escalate to severe health conditions such as paralysis, respiratory failure, painful bowel obstruction, and more. For this reason, replacing table salt with potassium salt is extremely beneficial for human health.
Sufferers of high blood pressure should avoid excessive use of cooking salt. In cardiovascular and renal diseases a salt-free diet is recommended. The heart needs potassium for its activity. As a result, there is a tendency to partially replace sodium chloride in potassium salt with potassium chloride in different ratios.
Potassium chloride 66%. Sodium chloride 33%, Potassium iodate 25-55 mg/kg, Moisture 0.05%.
Does not contain impurities and technological additives!
Take as a table salt substitute.
Maximum daily dose: 1 g/kg
Suitable for diabetics.
Packing: 500 g
2,81 €
5,57 €
5,62 €
3,07 €
7,36 €
7,11 €
3,17 €
6,54 €
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