Cystitis is a very common female problem, it is related to the anatomy of the genitourinary system in women, but it is also related to many psychological, purely female problems.
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1,18 €
Corn silk
Zea Mays L.
Homeland of corn is Mexico. It began to be grown in Europe after the Great Geographical Discoveries, ie. in the XVI century. In India and China, its cultivation began in the 17th century. The first Europeans to see it were the sailors of Columbus, who set foot on the shores of America 500 years ago.
Corn is an annual cultivated plant with a straight, unbranched, up to 3-4 m high stem.
The leaves are linear, with parallel veins.
The flowers are unisexual; the males are gathered in apical paniculate inflorescences, and the females in cobs located on the stem.
It blooms in summer.
For medicinal purposes, long filamentous stigmas of female flowers are used - the so-called corn silk.
Corn silk - dried herb
Application: as an aid in cystitis, pyelitis, renal sediments, hepato-biliary changes, bleeding, etc.
Method of preparation: 2 tablespoons of the herb are poured with 400 ml of boiling water. Boil for 3 minutes and strain. Take 3 times a day 80-120 g before meals.
Packing: 30 g
2,05 €
4,81 €
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