Tapioca flour is obtained from a peeled, dried and ground whole root of the Manioka plant. The finished flour can be purchased from Zdravnitza.
No products
- 100% natural product
- Naturally starch from Manihot esculenta
- Gluten Free! No added sugar!
- Vegan product
Cassava or so-called Manioca or Tapioca is one of America's most used plants in the period before Columbus. Pollen from it, dating back to 4600 BC, was found in the lowlands of the Gulf of Mexico in San Andres, Tabasco. The earliest direct testimonies of culture have been discovered during archaeological excavations in Salvador. They prove that the Mayans cultivated Cassava for food before 1400.
The most commonly consumed part of Tapioca is the root. It can be consumed whole, shredded or ground into flour. People suffering from food allergies often use tapioca flour for cooking and baking because it does not contain gluten and has no trace of grain or nuts.
Due to its excellent nutritional composition and especially due to the lack of gluten in it, Tapioca is recommended in healthy eating regimens, in case of need of weight reduction, for gluten intolerance. Appropriate food is for athletes or people who carry heavy physical labor because they have a high energy value and almost no fat. Rich in protein and essential minerals, such as calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and so on. It contains choline, which is of the utmost importance for metabolism in the body.
Tapioca has a pure natural flavor, aroma and feel. It is used in any combination, as a basic flour for bakery and pasta products.
Modified starch extracted from the tuberous roots of the Manihot esculenta. Culinary is popular under the name "Tapioca Flour".
Gluten Free! No added sugar!
500-700 BU (meets the specifications for starches listed in 2012/231/EU for E1322).
natural starch for culinary use. It has excellent water-retaining properties. Good thickener in a neutral, medium acidic and acidic environment. Stable when freezing or thawing. Gelling agent. Emulsion Stabilizer.
It has a neutral taste and aroma. Suitable for thickening soups, pastries, sauces, dishes, shakes, creams.
Can be used in bread, hot desserts, pastries and more like 1 tablespoon of tapioca flour is equivalent to a recipe of 2.5 tablespoons of wheat flour. Successfully replaces up to 20% wheat flour in bakery.
Tapioca flour combines perfectly with gluten-free flour, mostly with coconut flour and potato flour.
Keep at moderate temperature and air humidity not more than 70%. In excess humidity, clumps are formed, the acidity increases.
Packing: 200 g
7,26 €
3,58 €
2,45 €
1,94 €
0,97 €
7,57 €
2,51 €