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Herbal mixture №25 of "Zdravnitza" is composed of 6 Bulgarian herbs that can be used for infertility. The amount is enough for a one-month intake!
Rock Rose (Cistus incanus) is a plant used since ancient times. It has a high content of polyphenols, and the tea is suitable for the whole family.
Russian Ivan Tea affects favorably sinusitis, laryngitis, headache, gastritis, ulcer, and conjunctivitis.
Mountain tea - aromatic medicinal plant. 100% natural product produced in Bulgaria. Delicious and useful drink for the whole family.
Mountain tea - aromatic medicinal plant. 100% natural product produced in Bulgaria. Delicious and useful drink for the whole family.
The combination of Siberian Chaga and dried apple, pear and fig leaves contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for human health.
The combination of Siberian Chaga and dried orange and cinnamon contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to human health.
The combination of Siberian Chaga and raw cocoa beans contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to human health.
The combination of the Siberian mushroom Chaga and ginger is an excellent immune stimulator that prevents inflammation in the body.
The Chaga mushroom really has an impressive antioxidant content. Chaga is low in calories, high in fiber, free from fat, sugar and carbohydrates.
The Chaga mushroom really has an impressive antioxidant content. Chaga is low in calories, high in fiber, free from fat, sugar and carbohydrates.
The dried leaves of Stevia are sweetened with glycosides without any sugars. Suitable for people with low sugar diets.
Samahan is a natural and effective herbal formula for cold, flu and accompanying symptoms. Traditional Ayurveda product from Sri Lanka.
Herbal mixture №24 of "Zdravnitza" is composed of 17 types of Bulgarian herbs that can be used can be used as an aid in asthma. The amount is enough for a one-month intake!
Herbal mixture №23 of "Zdravnitza" is composed of 7 Bulgarian herbs. Can be used as an aid in high cholesterol levels. The amount per pack is equal to one month intake.
Herbal mixture №22 of "Zdravnitza" is composed of 7 types of Bulgarian herbs that can be used can be used as an aid in diabetes. The amount is enough for a one-month intake!
Herbal mixture №21 of "Zdravnitza" is composed of 11 herbs that can be used can be used as an aid in uterine inflammation. The amount is enough for a one-month intake!
Herbal mixture №20 - Zdravnitza is composed of 11 Bulgarian herbs. Herbal mixture №20 can be used as an aid in ovarian cysts. The amount is enough for a one-month intake!
Herbal mixture №19 of "Zdravnitza" is composed of 8 types of Bulgarian herbs that can be used can be used as an aid in stomach (gastric) and duodenal ulcer.
Herbal mixture №18 of "Zdravnitza" is composed of 9 types of Bulgarian herbs that can be used as an aid in gallstone disease (cholelithiasis). The amount is enough for a one-month intake!
Herbal mixture №17 of "Zdravnitza" is composed of 9 types of Bulgarian herbs that can be used as an aid in gastritis. The amount is enough for a one-month intake!
Herbal mixture №16 of "Zdravnitza" is composed of 9 types of Bulgarian herbs that can be used as an aid in stress, anxiety, panic attacks and fears of various origins.
Herbal mixture №15 of "Zdravnitza" is composed of 8 types of Bulgarian herbs that can be used can be used as an aid in psoriasis and dermatitis.
Herbal mixture №14 of "Zdravnitza" is composed of 8 Bulgarian herbs that can be used can be used as an aid in varicose veins. The amount is enough for a one-month intake!
Herbal mixture №13 of "Zdravnitza" is composed of 8 types of Bulgarian herbs that can be used can be used as an aid in hypotension (low blood pressure).
Herbal mixture №12 of "Zdravnitza" is composed of 8 Bulgarian herbs that can be used against hypertension. The amount is enough for a one-month intake!
Mursala tea has a strong antioxidant effect, reduces the risk of high blood pressure, helps with prostate disease, has strong anti-inflammatory action.
A unique combination of herbs that acts favorably on overweight and helps to speed up metabolism, beneficial for liver disease.
Demir Bozan - herbal tea has beneficial effect for prostatitis, myoma, kidney disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, gastritis, liver disease, etc.
Broncho Pam is a renowned herbal product, supporting the bronchial and immune systems. Broncho Pam is the winner of special prizes from 3 continents.
Herbal mixture №11 of "Zdravnitza" is composed of 12 Bulgarian herbs that can be used for slim figure and body weight control. The amount is enough for a one-month intake!
Herbal mixture №10 of "Zdravnitza" is composed of 10 types of Bulgarian herbs that can be used can be used as an aid in for iprostatitis. The amount is enough for a one-month intake!
Herbal mixture №9 of "Zdravnitza" is composed of 7 types of Bulgarian herbs that can be used as an aid in cirrhosis. The amount is enough for a one-month intake!
Herbal mixture №8 of "Zdravnitza" is composed of 9 types of Bulgarian herbs that can be used can be used as an aid in bleeding hemorrhoids. The amount is enough for a one-month intake!
Herbal mixture №7 of "Zdravnitza" is composed of 8 Bulgarian herbs that can be used can be used as an aid in painful hemorrhoids. The amount is enough for a one-month intake!
Herbal mixture №6 of "Zdravnitza" is composed of 8 types of Bulgarian herbs that can be used can be used as an aid in fibroids. The amount is enough for a one-month intake!
Herbal mixture №5 - Zdravnitza is composed of 9 Bulgarian herbs. Herbal mixture №5 can be used as an aid in cough and bronchitis. The amount is enough for a one-month intake!
Herbal mixture №4 of "Zdravnitza" is composed of 9 types of Bulgarian herbs that can be used can be used as an aid in cystitis. The amount is enough for a one-month intake!
Herbal mixture №3 of "Zdravnitza" is composed of 10 Bulgarian herbs that can be used as an aid in kidney problems such as inflammation, grit, stones and more.
Herbal mixture №2 of "Zdravnitza" is composed of 10 types of Bulgarian herbs that can be used as an aid in colitis. The amount is enough for a one-month intake!
Herbal mixture №1 of "Zdravnitza" is composed of 9 types of Bulgarian herbs that can be used as an aid in gout. The amount is enough for a one-month intake!
Cranberry herbal tea has a beneficial effect on the normal functioning of the urinary, digestive and cardiovascular systems.
Finely ground powder from the finest premium grade green tea leaves grown in shade in tea gardens high in the hills of Uji, Kyoto, Japan.
Kidney tea is successfully used in kidney stone disease, urinary tract infection, kidney crises, edema and gout.